Today, I had the great pleasure of sitting down with Patrik and Mattias, founders of Lernberger Stafsing. We discussed all things love, life and their passion for their business. I also took the opportunity to ask them some of the burning questions you have sent me!
We love that you are partners in life and business. How did you first meet and become a couple?
Mattias: We met as young adults through a dear friend of ours. Funnily, we knew of each other ever since I was younger and when Patrik was just a teenager. When we finally met in person, we connected instantly through our passion for beauty. The conversation about beauty and beauty has been going on for 27 years!
Patrik: Yes, Lydia, our dear friend and a famous makeup artist, introduced us. She was the one who said: “You both love beauty so much, you have to meet!”.
Did you always want to pursue a business together? And what was the actual moment that you started that conversation?
Mattias: Actually, we have worked together since we met, Patrik as a famous hair stylist and me as a makeup artist. Patrik hired me as the makeup artist for the models he was working with. In the evenings, we would sit down, sketch out and talk about future businesses we wanted to work on. I wanted to start a shoe design company, and Patrik wanted to start his own haircare line. That discussion has been going on since we met. It took some years before we gathered the courage to launch something together.
Patrick: It is a good thing that we are not the same kind of businessmen. I am naïve and say “yes!” to everything!
Mattias: And I am very structured and conceptual. I always start with a goal and then break it down into smaller pieces.
Patrik: And I say “yes!” so we get going.
Mattias: The easiest way to eat an Elephant is to take it in pieces!
If someone reading this article wanted to launch their own business, what advice would you give them?
Patrik: My advice would be don’t think too much, just do it and take care of the details later. If you start to overthink, you will become so small and never begin.
Mattias: And I would say become friends with problems and challenges of running a business because, as an entrepreneur, you have ten challenges every day.
Patrik: Yes, become comfortable with catastrophes!
Together, you have created something quite wonderful. Best-selling Sun Defence Cream was acknowledged in the industry when it won the Swedish Beauty Award in 2023 as Product of the Year. In NZ and Australia, you have made so many customers ‘skin’ happy. You have, quite literally, transformed their skin and hair! What is the secret to creating such a successful brand?
Mattias: I think our brand has become so successful because we are so strongly connected with our products. They are uniquely formulated and each product is our own recipe. We are artisans in our hearts. We believe we know what our customer wants. We also work very closely with our chemists and manufacturers and are never satisfied. That is our superpower!
Patrik: Our empathy and understanding of our customers. We have been working up close and personal with clients our whole lives. We know how hair and skin should look and feel. We want to make everyone comfortable with what they are born with. The products are a tool to receive a better, more comfortable life and love yourself. That is our goal.
Mattias: We both started when we were 15 years old, so together, we have 70 years of experience!
Patrik: Our business is born from our passion for beauty.
You have a growing fan base ‘down under’, and they would love to meet you, and we know you would love to meet them too! Are there any plans to come down to the southern hemisphere?
Absolutely! We have some openings in Swedish Spring 2024! So, watch this space!
Tack so mycket Patrick och Mattis – vi ses snart!
Thank you so much Patrik and Mattias – see you soon!
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